Will - 2008-03-05 20:44:28


Moje to:

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Sam Maundrell

Known in some parts of the world as:
Thanatos of All Thieves

The Great Archives Record:
You cannot trust this thief - of gold, of hearts, of many things.


Domo244 - 2008-03-05 20:47:52

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Duke of Trannsylvania

Known in some parts of the world as:
Osiris of Blood

The Great Archives Record:
Thirsty, unstoppable and vicious.

Jurant - 2008-03-06 16:28:13

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
God of Moldovia
Known in some parts of the world as:
Thanatos of The Vile
The Great Archives Record:
Vile, foul, filthy and greedy: this creature knows nothing of light.

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